Bluefields Aquatics is a leading ornamental marine fish supplier from East Africa, Kenya. Due to our strategic location we export Indian ocean marine fish, the Red sea saltwater fish and Madagascar saltwater fish. We try to provide as much variety as possible to our importers
Founded at the end of 2019, a few months before the worldwide COVID lockdowns. This was a special time because this helped shape Bluefields Aquatics to be a more resilient company sustained by great quality, great service and great packing. Our anchor as a family business is focused on sustainability and empowering the local community who are part of the ecosystem that make Bluefields Aquatics what it is.
Our mission is to provide ornamental marine fish importers the best and healthy aquarium marine fish in order to bring the beautiful colorful tropical Indian Ocean underwater world nearer to people worldwide. We work in a sustainable way to ensure the ocean ecosystem is protected where we fish.
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